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Join the Southbay Scots group today We’re in the middle of updating the website, so be sure to follow us over on Facebook to stay up to date with our latest events. Southbay Scots on Facebook

Coming July 21st Movie Night ~

What We Did On Our Holiday A family of five heads to Granddad’s big 75th-birthday party at an uncle’s estate in rural Scotland. The parents are separated and hope their three kids won’t mention it. The kids love, can talk…

PUB NIGHT 2023 ~ Here’s Tae Ye!

Well we wrapped up another season of monthly SBSS Pub Nights. August brought us to a new venue, Anchors Fish & Chips & Seafood Grill at 1111 Meridian Avenue in San Jose. Beyond the traditional battered fish and chips, Anchors…

Kilted Bowling August 12th

The last 2023 Kilted Bowling Tournament will be Saturday, August 6th at high noon. We will be knocking them down at Homestead Bowl, located in Cupertino at 20990 Homestead Road. Wear your kilt if you have one but it’s not…

Virtual Toys for Tots 2022

We will not be hosting a Toys for Tots dinner this year. However we will be collecting cashdonations from members with SBSS providing matching donations up to $200.00. If you wish tocontribute to Toys for Tots please make your checks…

Tartan Day Proclamation in San José

Tartan Day is a North American celebration of Scottish heritage on 6 April, the date on which the Declaration of Arbroath was signed in 1320. For 20 years the County and City of San Jose and the South Bay Scottish…